Venice Rabbi

A Venice Rabbi's blog about being a rabbi in Venice, CA-- family, jobs, shul, friends, money or lack-thereof, recovery, spirituality, health and exercise,and everything else a Venice Rabbi might be into . . .

Location: Venice, California, United States

I'm a push-the-envelope kinda fellow, who on one hand is a soldier for the cause of my mentors, but yet-- needs to do it the way my heart says.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

We're up and running!

I didn't think I'd actually really, honest-to-goodness ever do it. But, the seed planted by Hugh Hewitt's book "Blog" finally has born fruit.

I have a blog.

Here it is, Venice Rabbi is it's name, and I guess the description says pretty much what I'll do-- talk, as often as I can, about what I'm doing as a rabbi in Venice, CA.

Why would anyone want to read it? Because I believe that I've been blessed with an incredible life, full of wonderful Divine Providence that can inspire others the way it inspires me daily.

Now-- got to get Kaila to put up her blog!


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