Venice Rabbi

A Venice Rabbi's blog about being a rabbi in Venice, CA-- family, jobs, shul, friends, money or lack-thereof, recovery, spirituality, health and exercise,and everything else a Venice Rabbi might be into . . .

Location: Venice, California, United States

I'm a push-the-envelope kinda fellow, who on one hand is a soldier for the cause of my mentors, but yet-- needs to do it the way my heart says.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

And the beat goes on . . . or, why I have to sit and post ODAAT

OK-- for those of you who aren't familiar with "ODAAT", it has reference to the program of recovery from addiction, and stands for "One Day at A Time". I use it in my title for today's post, because I see this process-- being a member of the blogosphere-- as a wonderful tool for growth and emotional, spiritual, and intellectual development. One Day At A Time.

It was, for me, a long day today. I was of service kosherizing a factory in Ventura, getting ready for another koshering trip to New Mexico, helping my family prepare for Passover, anticipating my son's arrival tomorrow from Jerusalem, for the first time in a year-- in short, a normal, "routine" Sunday in the life of a Venice Rabbi. And I record it here, because I find the process of blogging forces me to focus on my responsibility to share this with others. Perhaps, just perhaps, someone will read something I share and identify. Perhaps, just perhaps, I'll say something which will bring a smile, a tear, and our souls will be connected beyond the finite bonds of Internet connectivity. And as this happens, I find myself responsible to reaching out beyond myself, to share with an unseen, but always felt, mass of kindred brothers, walking their own walk, ODAAT.

The fact that I now have a "forum" (when in reality I always had one; now, with its just so more present) draws my attention throughout the day ("Has anyone sent a comment? Does anyone ever really read it? ad infinitem . . . ) Its as if the Almighty has positioned Himself as the "Reader" of my life's blog, and I have to get out a daily post, for His sake, so He can see I'm working it. Yet, really, He's always been there, and now, I just substitute all of you for Him. In that sense, my blogging is a part of me that was always there, just it lacked a focus, a clear place where it had to be expressed. With the blog, it must come out-- how can I leave a day go by without at least one post!

So, indeed, the beat does go one, as it always has. But today, I've another tool to help me stay aware of it, and record it, and connect with the Reader of the Universe. Just for Today.


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