Venice Rabbi

A Venice Rabbi's blog about being a rabbi in Venice, CA-- family, jobs, shul, friends, money or lack-thereof, recovery, spirituality, health and exercise,and everything else a Venice Rabbi might be into . . .

Location: Venice, California, United States

I'm a push-the-envelope kinda fellow, who on one hand is a soldier for the cause of my mentors, but yet-- needs to do it the way my heart says.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

whew-- back to blog: It's a scary time, all over again

It always seems I'm more "open" to the expression of blogging when I'm traveling on business. Its been almost a year, Meir Simcha is now with Eli, joining him in J'lem, and we're all a bit older and "wiser" (maybe!).

I'm listening as I drive to M. Medved's book-on-tape, Right Turns, and I'm amazed by his account of this Yale years, the end-of-the-war time of '71-'75 and the disasters that afflicted the Vietnamese after the US pullout in April, '75.

Are we about to see the same things happen in Iraq?

I signed the "pledge" today. See Hugh Hewitt's blog, or

I wasn't really "aware" back then, I was only 16. But-- now is scary. And the issue isn't simply the awesome destruction which would come in the wake of a precipitous US pullout from Iraq. The enemy-- radical, militant, Islam-- wants to win in an existential struggle with the West. I, and my loved ones, and many, many people I know, will be at risk for terrors far, far worse than those which occurred on September 11th if they win this war.

And Nancy Pelosi thinks its not a war, its a problem to be solved.

Whew. Got to blog. Sign the pledge.
