Venice Rabbi

A Venice Rabbi's blog about being a rabbi in Venice, CA-- family, jobs, shul, friends, money or lack-thereof, recovery, spirituality, health and exercise,and everything else a Venice Rabbi might be into . . .

Location: Venice, California, United States

I'm a push-the-envelope kinda fellow, who on one hand is a soldier for the cause of my mentors, but yet-- needs to do it the way my heart says.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Got to get out to Muleshoe (Texas, of course), but can't wait to post later on my Alma Mater's dithering on the Taliban "International student" controversy.

But what did I just see this morning from the LA Time's Joel Stein! He "flippantly" asserts that moral outrage at the Nazis can be assuaged by some "nice people"-- he just doesn't get it.

Once again, he attempt at humor-- its not funny. And the underlying sentiment is just wrong.



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